Explore this community dedicated to our Women here at the university!
Running Fairygodboss, I hear a lot of opinions about what women should do in order to be successful.
Most of it is amazingly helpful and thoughtful. But sometimes, I hear things that are well-intentioned but worrisome (and potentially misleading) in …
Throughout my years in business, I’ve made plenty of “mistakes”—although I firmly believe there are no mistakes, only learning experiences. I’ve also picked up a few tips along the way. They’ve helped me to succeed in founding and running several …
In the second year of the global pandemic, we experienced and witnessed unprecedented workplace challenges, labor shortages, increased stress and grief, and the growing demand for racial equity. These issues all appear to have disproportionately affected people with marginalized identities. …
Should I apply for this job?
Am I even qualified?
Will they call me back?
These are just some of the questions you may ask yourself when you start reviewing the “qualifications” section of a job listing you’re excited about. …