Explore this community dedicated to our Women here at the university!
Pregnancy for a working woman can be a joyous time, but it can also be a stressful time. The good news is some of that stress might soon be alleviated. Recently, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Pregnant Workers …
With women holding only 12 to 15 per cent of board seats, any woman deciding to take the step towards joining an advisory group is likely to find herself in an alien place, with unfamiliar rules and behaviours. Three women …
Hybrid work seems like the best of both worlds — some time spent working remotely, getting freedom and independence, and other times in office, collaborating and socializing with others. But for the women in hybrid roles, hybrid work isn’t benefiting them; …
Have you ever sat silently as a coworker talked for 47 of the 50 minutes allotted for a meeting? Have you mentioned an idea only to be ignored or have someone else say it later and get credit? It can …
“Ally” is a popular word in the workplace these days as people seek to put action behind the pledges of racial justice and equality that many organizations have made. Often, people use the term allyship to refer to a general …